Tips to tackle Eye allergy

An eye allergy can be troublesome. Anyone suffering from it would want quick relief from those painful, irritating red eyes. The good news is that there are both natural ways and medicines to get rid of allergic diseases.
You are sitting in a meeting at the office and eyes start to water for no reason, soon they become itchy and inflamed, and you are doing best to not to look ridiculous with sunglasses inside. Welcome to eye allergy!

Self-Care Tips
An eye allergy can be annoying and can strike at any time, but fortunately, there are ways to get rid of this condition, and you can stay prepared for such an eye allergy. Depending on the kind of eye allergy that persists, any of the following remedies can be used:

·         Cold compress- To get relief from those itchy eyes, you can give a chance to cold compress. What you all need to do take a soft cloth, dip it in cold water and place it on your eyes. However, the method only for temporary relief, but can be very effective.
·         Rosewater- Rose water is considered as the popular home remedy for treating an eye allergy.  Put three to four drops in the eye every day to get rid of any of eye allergy. Make sure that you keep closing your eyes for a few minutes to allow the soothing solution to get into the eyes and stars working.
·         Repeated eye rinsing- An individualsuffering from persistent eye allergy can try washing his/her eyes with cold water.  Repeatedly rinsing the eyes with cold water may remove all the foreign particles, thus eliminating the allergy symptoms.
·         Take your hands off- It’s hard not to touch them while they are irritating much. Rubbing eyes can make things worse. If you are continuously rubbing your eyes, it may cause mast cells to release more of those itches causing chemicals
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